Have you ever felt like you're in some serious stuppor? Like you're on the best years of your twenties and then you blink, and your reality is your single status and you're almost (two-step) middle thirties? Five year is a long time for a hiatus. lol. Sometimes, I find it difficult to comprehend how I ended up here. Although I intended to update my blog frequently, I ended up just leaving it. HAHA, but as I stated in my first post, I'm in charge now. I'll be more present and visible. I'll therefore start (again!) this new blog sharing to you what I did in the past half a decade. Well, I read, listened and bought a hundred books, travel to different places and eat a lot, as in lot! That's why I also gain a lot.... of weight. Also, I have traverse another career pathway, and took my Master's Degree. I also meet a lot of people, gain friendships and lost some. Tale as old as time HAHA. As I reflect, though it seems so fast (as fast as a bullet t...